Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Despite the fact that people have been talking more about mental health in recent years, schizophrenia is still not a well understood condition. Usually symptoms will begin in the teenage years, and can be difficult to identity during that time. People can have episodes of...
Don’t say this to people with OCD:
Have you ever heard anyone say “I’m so OCD.”? Many people have this notion of what OCD looks like – usually someone who cleans a lot and has to have everything a certain way. OCD, however, is a complex disorder, and it effects people differently....
Stress Reducing Activities
Stress is a part of everyday life, but we need to take steps to ensure that our stress doesn’t become unmanageable. If you have certain conditions, such as OCD, stress can exacerbate your symptoms. You can’t always control things in your life, but there are...
How Studying Math Complements Cognitive Development
Dr. Ileana Berman shares critical insight on a recent study out of University of Oxford. The research points to the impact an education in math has on the adolescent brain. According to research conducted by University of Oxford, math is key in cognitive development. In...
American Board of Neurology’s Mission Statement
Dr. Ileana Berman has maintained membership in the American Board of Neurology (ABPN) since 1991. Berman outlines what the ABPN, as well as its certified members, stand for: A focus on establishing the field standard, and accompanying requirements, for what constitutes the issuing of initial...
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