
American Board of Neurology’s Mission Statement 

Dr. Ileana Berman has maintained membership in the American Board of Neurology (ABPN) since 1991. Berman outlines what the ABPN, as well as its certified members, stand for: A focus on establishing the field standard, and accompanying requirements, for what constitutes the issuing of initial...
Cognitive Science

This Artificial Intelligence ‘gets’ sarcasm 

Thanks to research at the University of Central Florida, a sarcastic AI is in the works… Sort of.  This new artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of detecting sarcasm, as displayed in social media posts.  Equipped with sentiment analysis, the automated tool is able to identify...
Schizophrenia Research

Schizophrenia and Bartonella bacteria 

In a new study, more evidence claims to link Bartonella bacteria with schizophrenia. Dr. Ileana Berman discusses the findings: Last year, Dr. Ileana Berman discussed a study that drew a link between a parasite found in cat litter and the development of schizophrenic symptoms.  Cognitive...
Cognitive Science

Cognitive Kindness Explained by Ileana Berman 

What is cognitive kindness? Is it an approach we adopt over time — or is it an intrinsic part of being human? Longtime cognitive science researcher, Ileana Berman explains: Cognitive kindness is both internal and external.  But in Ileana Berman’s perception, the practice arguably starts...
Cognitive Science, Health

How to Stay Focused 

Especially in the times of the pandemic, staying on task can be tricky. Dr. Ileana Berman offers up some cognitive science research-backed tips on how to stay focused: Work on Projects in a Designated Area Making space for your work is imperative!  When you have...
Cognitive Science

Early Signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Obsessions 

Dr. Ileana Berman’s professional work has largely revolved around studying and researching cognitive science conditions, such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Here, she shares early warning signs of OCD, particularly in children and young adults: OCD is marked primarily by obsessions and intrusive thoughts.  Because...
Health, Stress

Cognitive Research Study in Need of Participants 

The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder is conducting a study on wellness and stress coping in a collegiate setting and educational environment. Dr. Ileana Berman discusses how CU Boulder students can participate: Everyone deals with stress differently,...
Cognitive Science, Health

Parkinson’s disease, eye test & cognitive decline 

As stated in Dr. Ileana Berman’s last blog post, researchers have uncovered clues to cognitive decline — in the eyes. Now, cognitive scientists are focusing more specifically on Parkinson’s-linked cognitive decline with the help of an eye test. Does Parkinson’s disease cause cognitive decline?  According...
Cognitive Science, Health

Cognitive clues in the eyes 

According to a study recently published by Joslin Diabetes Center, the eyes may be an early indicator of cognitive decline. Dr. Ileana Berman, Cognitive Science Researcher, discusses the subject: It is widely believed that individuals with diabetes are more likely to develop cognitive disorders than...
Cognitive Science, Health

Wine and cheese, please! 

They’ve said before ‘you are what you eat!’ But what if Dr. Ileana Berman told you that altering your diet could reduce future cognitive decline? According to a study conducted by Iowa State University and published in the November 2020 Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, this...
Cognitive Science, Stress

Read This Before You Cram For That Exam! 

Students know that cramming for an exam isn’t the most effective way to learn. But, a vicious cycle of procrastination intertwined with obligations outside of school often leads to cramming — even though we know it’s not effective, longterm! Dr. Ileana Berman discusses the concept:...